Thursday, 22 December 2011

The latest posts via Facebook

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Gruesse aus Berlin / Greetings from Berlin

Spotted in Holland during the Keukenhof Flower Parade on, 26.04.2008.
More as a video > Click here.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Flights restarted again

Flights restarted again (check with airlines) in Berlin and Hamburg. Normal service will be resumed. Logistical problems still expected

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Limited Flights Resume

Aircraft have been heard today, but it is still no reason to start rushing to airports. The aircraft flying over our office are very few and far between. Airlines are still advising people not to make their way to airports. We have heard a second cloud is making its way towards the UK... news is still being researched, as far as that is concerned

This company has started collecting current information in German >
English translation & German original

Friday, 16 April 2010

Munich Airport and Airport Closures

Munich is still open, but may close. Northern German airports may remain closed all day Friday and even Saturday

European Flight Chaos

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Northern German airports stop flights

Northern German airports stop flights as ash reaches Germany. flights cancelled until 8am CET


Copy of pop-up from - Hamburg Airport

Flights restricted in the airspace over Northern Germany

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has restricted flights in the airspace over Northern Germany. No aircraft is permitted to take off or land. For further information on your flight, please contact your airline directly. Thank you for your understanding.

Flugbeschränkung für den norddeutschen Luftraum

Das Bundesverkehrsministerium hat eine Flugbeschränkung für den norddeutschen Luftraum verfügt. Starts und Landungen sind damit ab sofort und bis auf weiteres nicht möglich. Für weitere Informationen zu Ihrem Flug wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Ihre Fluggesellschaft. Über Änderungen werden wir rechtzeitig auf dieser Seite informieren. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Berlin English Pages - Facebook Group

To join the group click above

15th April 2010 | UK FLIGHTS GROUNDED

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

English Pages Germany Website

Hamburg English Pages is now expanding, after 9 successful years. We are searching for dedicated volunteer authors and moderators to expand into Berlin. Gather news, links, information, advice, photos, create videos and represent English speaking people and learners of English in the Berlin area. Our Front Page via, will add to your prescence. Promote yourself, by helping others. Contact me via the website today. I'm looking forward to hearing from you